Father Twas Thy Love That Knew Us
- Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us
- Earth's foundation long before;
- That same love to Jesus drew us
- By its sweet constraining pow'r,
- And will keep us
- Safely now, and evermore.
- God of love, our souls adore Thee!
- We would still Thy grace proclaim,
- Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
- And in glory praise Thy name;
- Praise and worship
- Be to God and to the Lamb!
This hymn first appeared in G. V. Wigram's 'Hymns for the Poor of the Flock' (1838) as stanzas 3 and 4 of a four stanza hymn (#197) beginning 'ONCE we all were wretched strangers'. It has been in every edition of the Little Flock Hymn Book (as #2) from 1856 to date.
In 1932 a second verse, by Frank Arnold Darrah (1871-1936) of Birkdale, Southport, was added:
Now that changeless love enfolds us,
All its wealth on us bestows;
While its pow'r unchanging holds us
In a holy calm repose.
God and Father,
Unto Thee our worship flows.